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- 2021-2-8
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It may seem bizarre that the caste system, a centuries-old system that organises and stratifies human society, continues to play a heavy role in deciding which Indians prosper and which don't within a space many consider to be an uber-meritocracy -- the US tech landscape.
% s3 P2 O. Q) i7 m8 `种姓制度是一种给人类社会分层的古老制度。令人奇怪的是,种姓制度在美国科技界——这一被许多人认为是超级精英统治的地方,仍然在决定某些印度人飞黄腾达与否之时扮演重要角色。) L, N! s! p) ?. I9 \
A recent lawsuit against two Indians, filed by California's Department of Fair Employment and Housing on behalf of another Indian, has made waves over the past few months for all the wrong reasons. It has illuminated how the Indian caste system has terrorised one of the most marginalised groups in India.
~ p3 S3 ~. T5 ~近期,加利福尼亚州公平就业与住房部代表一名印度人提起的针对两名印度人的诉讼,在过去几个月中因此案的种种荒谬来由引起了轰动。它阐明了印度种姓制度是如何威慑印度最边缘化的群体之一。
+ b/ s8 |6 V3 k lExcept, this time, it is happening in the US tech industry, a place that people normally associate with egalitarianism and a thirst for talent regardless of colour, race, religion, or any other creed.
2 O8 v9 e: a( J$ |, R- ?7 _! @但是这起案子是在美国科技业中发生的,人们通常都把科技界与平等主义联系在一起,并且认为科技界对人才的渴求与人才肤色,种族,宗教等无关。+ A" \" j) I8 B9 B
Caste is a 2,000 year-old system for classifying society in the Indian subcontinent -- or whatever other definition that can be used for the geographic spread that was depleted and then amputated by British colonial rule.* s: Z9 ^" k( F+ w) e) {
: O8 A3 z! F" ^" hIn this stratification, the priests -- or the "Brahman" class -- were at the top, the warriors or "Kshatriyas" came next, the merchants or "Vaishyas" formed the third tier, while labourers, artisans, and servants, known as "Shudras", came last and essentially served the other three castes. Of course, it's not so simple -- in reality, there are over 5,000 castes and over 25,000 sub-castes in India, spawned by sheer geographical, cultural, and religious diversity., h3 ^! S; Z: _, v( B# \$ i) ]7 u9 i
在种姓制度的等级中,祭司即“婆罗门”阶层处于最上层,战士即“刹帝利”紧随其后,商人即“吠舍”组成第三层,而劳工,工匠和仆人作为“ 首陀罗”排在最后,基本上首陀罗服务于其他三个种姓。当然,这不是那么简单。实际上,印度因为其十足的地理,文化和宗教多样性,产生了五千多个种姓和两万五千多个子种姓。(这段是作者向读者介绍啥是种姓制度,虽然咱们心里门清,但出于译文完整性与对米国人的闭塞的同情,我还是翻译了——译者注)
4 G0 {: I( ]! U' }2 g What is homogenous across the country, however, is another category that exists completely outside of the caste system, on a rung so low that if you were forced to come up with the worst moral and physical degradations that you could think of, they would in all likelihood pale in comparison to what has transpired in India over centuries and continues to do so today. 8 C0 G7 R5 W9 L/ U* a! I6 \0 B
然而,在全印度范围内还有一种完全不在种姓制度之外的类别,其等级如此之低,以至于如果您可能想到的最严重的种种道德堕落,与印度几个世纪以来所发生的事情相比似乎都是苍白的,并且这事情一直持续到今天。(这一段讲的是贱民、不可接触者。作者写到这里真是怒了,作为具有良知的人都该为此愤怒,这真的是一个今年成为超级大国的国家吗?内政就这德性还敢跟咱们过两招?!——译者注)( \) r9 n! K# Y0 i. s+ `: g
These people that are deemed to be on the lowest rung are the Dalits. Self-named, Dalit means "oppressed", but they are also referred to by Indian society as "achoot", or, "untouchable". Dalits have historically been involved in occupations such as working with leather, cleaning sewers, or killing rats and were therefore considered "spiritually impure".( N) Q; l/ o- R0 [: C/ b
这些被认为处于最低等级的人是达利特人。他们自称为达利特(Dalit)的意思是“被压迫”,但在印度社会中,他们也称其为“贱民”或“不可触及者”。达利特历来从事诸如制革业(过去处理皮革的鞣质需要用屎——译者注),清洁下水道或捉老鼠等职业,因此被认为是“精神上不洁的”。" h6 ^ p2 B3 V) m( l
Not so long ago, if a Dalit saw a higher caste walking down the road, they would have to flung themselves to the ground to not contaminate the upper caste (UC) person with their shadow. Violaters would be beaten, often to death, and incredulously, they still are today.& }' b. C/ M( p6 }% G4 z
7 j3 H! Y( U, W0 {0 @ All across India, Dalits -- who comprise at least 25% of the population, or a staggering 400 million people -- are barred from drawing water from the wells of UCs. Dalit children are either denied education or cannot study with UC peers; their villages are separate and hence, they are forbidden from walking through upper caste ones; they cannot eat where UCs eat; they cannot pray where UCs pray and God help them if they marry out of their caste. Their woman and children are physically and sexually abused on a serial scale.
; ?0 u. V: n2 r1 y4 V' u7 T4 M% u* `在印度各地,至少占人口25%,即4亿的达利特人被禁止从高种姓的水井中取水。达利特人的孩子要么被拒绝入学,要么无法与高种姓学生一起学习;他们的村庄是分开的,禁止贱民穿过上等种姓的村子;他们不能在高种姓吃饭的地方吃饭;他们无法在高种姓祈祷的地方祷告。与其他种姓通婚的难度等同于神迹。他们的妇女和儿童受到一系列的身体和性虐待。$ W* q2 R" N% a% ~3 O% T
If a person is born as a Dalit, they will die a Dalit, and their children are almost certainly destined to a life with no upward mobility.3 u4 z5 N) a* X
+ x4 ~, L2 h) x' Z/ {9 tWhile many scholars contend that the caste system became more inflexible under the British, who transformed it into a rigid, more easily governable structure that privileged Brahmans even more, others say this narrative is just an attempt by upper-caste Indian Americans to rewrite history books and erase any mention of Dalit oppression. While the British Raj did have a complex, destructive effect on caste, India's pre-modern history was also most definitely defined by castes.- \ E W! k. R) r, b6 s* I: i: [
许多学者认为,在英国统治下种姓制度变得更加僵化,殖民者使种姓制度转变为僵化的,更易于管理的结构,使婆罗门享有更多特权。但其他学者却说,这种叙述只是那些高种姓的印度裔美国人试图篡改历史,并消除英国殖民统治前的时期高种姓者对达利特人压迫的任何叙述。尽管英属印度的统治确实对种姓产生了复杂的破坏性影响,但印度的前现代历史也最明确地由种姓定义。(英国是搅屎棍不假,但人家好歹是棍子,你们阿三是个啥?——译者)4 p# q* g4 Q' ~
Coming back to the lawsuit, it focuses on a Dalit engineer -- John Doe for the lawsuit's purposes -- who has twenty years of experience in software development that was placed under the leadership of Sundar Iyer at Cisco. 4 [! p' H" k* z, y
让我们回到这起诉讼中(好家伙,终于开始讲正题了——译者注),此案聚焦于原告:工程师John Doe(属于贱民阶层)。他在思科公司(思科是一家跨国际综合技术企业,总部设于加州硅谷。思科开发、制作和售卖网络硬件、软件、通信设备等高科技产品及服务,并透过子公司打入其他科技市场,比如物联网、域名安全、能源管理。公司成立于加州。——译者注)的老总桑德拉·勒纳的领导下拥有20年的软件开发经验。% O# z @& ~5 g( F
Iyer was a graduate of the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), and grew up in Bombay as an upper-caste Indian. He also completed his PhD at Stanford, founded two companies that were both acquired by Cisco, and has been named MIT Innovator of the year. A man of science and reason, and a person who places a premium on ideas, you would imagine.
9 _/ P: ^) B% o6 u; z% BSundar Iyer毕业于印度理工学院(IIT),并在孟买以一名高种姓印度人的身份长大。他还在斯坦福大学完成了博士学位,创立了两家都被思科收购的公司,并被评为年度MIT创新者。您会想象他是一个有理智和理性的人,以及一个重视观念的人。9 L, x0 r4 N! b$ e
7 r h2 h" T% ?, G9 I* ?$ Y5 ZMuch like Iyer, John Doe also graduated from IIT.
5 S9 F9 i" H" V# d与Iyer一样,John Doe(这个名字意思是无名氏,下文均译作张三)也是印度理工学院毕业的。
% H, B" @3 A) WThe lawsuit alleges that the upper-caste Iyer recognised John Doe and instantly began ridiculing him in front of all the other higher-caste Indian employees at Cisco, saying that John Doe was a Dalit and only got into the engineering school because of affirmative action, which India implemented in 1980 under the then-Prime Minister VP Singh. P* U' |2 }' d! q
诉讼称,上流社会的艾耶尔(Iyer)认出了张三(John Doe),并立即当着思科所有高种姓印度雇员的面嘲笑他,说张三(John Doe)是贱民。还说是因为从1980年开始,时任总理辛格实施平权行动了,你这个贱民才有资格进入工程学校。(通过姓氏很容易判断种姓——译者注一)(这些人的脑回路我真的无法理解,考入印度理工学院这个好学校凭的是真本事,咋还分三六九等?——译者注二)(都出国了咋还搞你老家那套糟粕?——译者注三)* l2 a+ Y2 E2 a# J2 n
When John Doe indicated to Cisco's human resources team that he wanted to file a complaint, he was allegedly told by the department that "caste discrimination was not unlawful". Soon after, John Doe found himself demoted from his lead role on two projects. The lawsuit says that for two years, Iyer waged a sustained onslaught against John Doe's career. He isolated him, didn't give him any bonuses, and thwarted any chances for promotion.
7 S- `6 c# P( X6 w# r3 f k$ u. |当张三(John Doe)向思科的人力资源团队(HR)表示要投诉时,人力资源团队告诉他“种姓歧视不是非法的”。不久之后,张三(John Doe)在两个项目中脱颖而出。诉讼称,两年来,艾伊尔(Iyer)对约翰·多伊(John Doe)的职业生涯展开持续的冲击。高种姓的艾伊尔孤立了低种姓的约翰·多伊,艾伊尔没有给他任何奖金,也阻止了他晋升的任何机会。
( P4 m; @5 G6 \(都出国了咋还搞你老家那套糟粕X2——译者注)
4 a2 u* X1 Q; \5 `* i- Q' F/ ? Then, in a tragic double-whammy, Iyer was replaced by Ramana Kompella, also an upper caste engineer, who in a not-so-remarkable coincidence -- considering how heavily networked upper-caste Indian techies are -- also went to IIT. 90% of Indian immigrants in the US are upper caste. He was one year behind Iyer for his studies and also went to Stanford. Kompella eventually went on to teach at Purdue before leaving for Google, and then worked at Cisco.
( C& M# @' y' y0 P4 b) y Y8 k8 ^* i! T( Q
然后,在一次悲惨的双重打击下(指的是达利特码农遇上的双重打击),艾耶尔(Iyer)被同样是高种姓工程师,同是来自印度理工学院(IIT)的拉玛娜·科姆佩拉(Ramana Kompella)取代,考虑到印度高种姓的技术人员关系网有多紧密,这并不是偶然的巧合。美国有90%的印度移民属于高种姓。拉玛娜·科姆佩拉(Ramana Kompella)比艾耶尔(Iyer)晚一届,也是斯坦福大学的。科姆佩拉(Kompella)在最终去Google之前先在普渡大学(尼尔·阿姆斯特朗的母校——译者注)任教,而后在Cisco工作。! N+ w, e, c) Y& P1 h
If John Doe thought his salvation had finally arrived, he couldn't have been more mistaken. The same pattern of intimidation allegedly continued under Kompella.
# _8 T z* @. w5 O* W0 U0 \如果张三(John Doe)以为自己的救星终于到了,那他是大错特错了(天下乌鸦一般黑
. T: N1 k! U2 l7 q——译者)。据称,在科姆佩拉Kompella的领导下,这种(借种姓来)威压的模式仍在继续。
0 s7 v, I7 o5 b* ? _$ G" J "Because both knew Doe is Dalit, they had certain expectations for him at Cisco," the lawsuit alleges. / O8 x" U2 \0 R
该诉讼称:“由于双方都知道张三是贱民,因此他们对Cisco抱有一定的预料——”3 }5 R8 r, j6 a% @* t2 Z
"Doe was expected to accept a caste hierarchy within the workplace where Doe held the lowest status within the team and, as a result, received less pay, fewer opportunities, and other inferior terms and conditions of employment because of his religion, ancestry, national origin/ethnicity, and race/colour."& C3 F4 [* D% h- _& s: {% K& Y" a- O% Y
* C3 N6 f! \& _! o Cisco has vehemently denied any of this. "Cisco is committed to an inclusive workplace for all," the company said in a statement to online news site thewire.
; X. ^9 z/ N" U; c思科坚决否认了上述的事情。该公司在对在线新闻网站the wire(印度的一个新闻网站)的一份声明中说:“思科致力于为所有人提供一个包容性的工作场所。% K K5 C$ |' Y5 j7 C9 `
"We have robust processes to report and investigate concerns raised by employees which were followed in this case dating back to 2016, and have determined we were fully in compliance with all laws as well as our own policies. Cisco will vigorously defend itself against the allegations made in this complaint."
4 q/ u- i5 C+ r" T“我们有健全的流程来报告和调查员工提出的问题,这种流程可以追溯到2016年,我们确定我们完全遵守所有法律以及我们自己的政策。思科将大力捍卫自己免受指控的侵害。”
5 r( H+ ~$ F4 u' _6 u(公司都帮亲不帮理——译者注)' R6 a/ e' V6 K5 g# P
So far, neither Iyer nor Kompella have come forth with public statements about the lawsuit.
( |' j$ y6 R" G( ]! c到目前为止,艾耶尔和康佩拉都没有提出关于诉讼的公开声明。% w' Z, _2 S: \# t) R( l
The lawsuit immediately opened up a wave of stories by Dalit techies who detailed their persecution in the US by high-caste Indians. At least 250 Dalit techies working in firms such as Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Apple, and Netflix have reported instances of harassment, humiliation, bullying, and career-halting interventions by high caste Indians.
% l0 o; v- W: J0 `5 ?& S* l" V- k诉讼立即引起了达利特技术人员的一波热潮,他们详细说明了高种姓印度人在美国对他们的迫害。在Google,Facebook,Microsoft,Apple和Netflix等公司工作的至少250名达利特技术人员报告了高种姓印度人的骚扰,屈辱,欺凌和停职的事件。
& J; ~' Z5 S/ vOne Dalit woman who is from the Valkimi caste, whose occupation historically has been to clean up excrement, was humiliated by her Indian co-workers and asked to clean up after team meetings as some sort of sick joke. Another Cisco hand who worked there between 2007 and 2013 said his peer group discussed their own caste identities incessantly and were constantly trying to figure his out.
9 a2 W* } P& l一名来自瓦尔基米种姓(达利特的子种姓)的达利特妇女,历史上该种姓从事的职业一直是清理大粪。她的印度同事羞辱她,并在团队会议后对她开“记得收拾下这里的卫生”这种恶心的玩笑。另一位曾在2007年至2013年期间在那工作的Cisco员工表示,他的同行小组不断地讨论自己的种姓身份,并一直在努力找出自己的种姓身份。+ u+ d5 d. A+ }1 a% X, R
Dalits are still looked at as essentially subhuman, genetically inferior, and lazy by most upper-caste Hindus. This has been a special societal coding, effortlessly passed down from generation to generation.' b% w, x+ n' v* r( P4 {
达利特人仍然被大多数高种姓的印度教徒视为本质上是“次等人类”,在遗传学上很逊色并且懒惰。这是一种特殊的社会编码,毫不费力地代代相传。: `7 Q% U/ y4 G( e
You may be designing the hottest network switches or AI visual interfaces and have graduated from the most elite institutions, but that has not made a difference on how people have been conditioned to think when it comes to what cradle of caste people are disgorged from.7 C0 y5 s! a1 N/ }& u# s1 s/ [
您可能正在设计最热门的网络交换机或AI视觉界面,并且毕业于大多数精英院校,但这并没有改变人们如何惯于去以种姓制度,这种糟粕的思维去思考。4 R: o3 V( Q& O/ W: \+ d& y
So, when a tightly knit club of upper-caste Indians get together, you can be assured that there's a good chance that team composition for prized projects, promotions, and bonuses will only be for the chosen ones.
: ?2 V: C" K# p- y; X- O, N因此,当一个由高种姓印度人组成的紧密联系的俱乐部凑在一起时,您可以放心,有着优秀项目,晋升和奖金的团队仅适用于天选之子(高种姓者)。
/ b% ?7 @4 G' ~$ e7 y$ V8 T1 [4 o Meanwhile, the life of Dalit engineers are stalked by the daily terror of being outed. : s |( q, d F" D6 A) g; _
- y8 \1 V; b1 j SBullied, humiliated, with careers in tatters and H-1B visas revoked, their history continues to be a living nightmare." p4 K4 ]+ Z, E! m5 \
他们被欺负,被羞辱,职业生涯因H-1B签证被撤销而被粉碎,他们的(种姓歧视的)历史至今仍是一场活生生的噩梦。 |